Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tasting Blue Moon Belgian White Wheat Ale

• Name: Blue Moon
• Variety: Belgian style Wheat Ale
• Region: Colorado
• Country: U.S
• Year: 2013
• Price: $13.99 for 12-pack
• Shop/wine critic/winery review:"It started with our brewmaster, Keith Villa, wanting to craft a beer inspired by the flavorful Belgian Wits he enjoyed while studying brewing in Belgium. He brewed his interpretation using Valencia orange peel versus the traditional tart Curaçao orange peel, for a subtle sweetness. Then he added oats and wheat to create a smooth, creamy finish that’s inviting to the palate. As a final touch, he garnished the beer with an orange slice to heighten the citrus aroma and taste. Its natural unfiltered appearance adds to the depth of flavors in Belgian White."

• My review: This beer is amazing, I love its smell. Very fruity but has hints of wheat at the same time. The taste is very refreshing and thirst quenching. It poessess hints of fruits, citrius like flavors. Very good beer to enjoy with friends at a restaurent or a night out. 
• I had this wine at home without any food.  

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